7 Benefits of Ceramic Window Tint for Cars

Velocity Window Tinting Blogger • Sep 27, 2022

If you need a car window tint, you can choose between regular and ceramic window tint. Learn the benefits of ceramic window tinting here.

ceramic window tint

Every state has its own window tinting laws, Michigan being the state that allows the darkest window tint. No matter what area you live in, consider a ceramic window tint for your vehicle.

There are different window tints out there, but ceramic is one of the most sought materials for a reason. Keep reading to learn the seven benefits of ceramic window tints for cars.

1. UV-Blocking Protection

Untinted windows are able to get rid of UVA and UVB rays naturally, but they still allow a lot of the sun's harmful rays to get through car windows.

Ceramic window tint protects a vehicle's interior from fading due to sunlight and can keep you safe. Continued UV exposure from a car with untinted windows can cause skin and eye damage, including melanoma and cataracts.

A high-quality car window tint can block most of the cancer-causing UV rays to reduce your risk of health implications while driving.

Getting skin cancer from driving with untinted windows might be rare, but UV exposure can easily cause sunspots and hyperpigmentation.

2. Less Glare While Driving

Ceramic window tinting can prevent glare from the sun while driving. Not only is this glare annoying and bright, but it can make driving more dangerous.

The sun is strong enough to cause extreme contrast in light intensity, which can lead to eye strain and a greater risk of being in an accident.

Ceramic window tint will help drivers see properly by reducing sun glare. A window tint only allows about 50% of light to enter your vehicle. This makes it much easier to see when you are driving during the day.

Even at night, ceramic tints for windows are designed to block light without compromising safety on the road.

3. No Signal Interference

There are different types of window tints out there, one being metallic. While metallic window tints share some similarities and benefits with ceramic film, it comes with a major downside.

Metallic is made up of tiny metal particles that can interrupt cellphone and radio signals.

When you opt for a ceramic window tint, you don't have to deal with the possibility of electronic signal interference. You can safely make phone calls and turn on the radio without worrying about dropped calls or static.

4. Cooler Interior

Regular window tint has the ability to cool down your interior, but high-quality ceramic tints take cooling to a whole new level. Because these tints are effective in keeping UV rays out, the interior of your vehicle isn't as hot.

Plus, ceramic window tints can block out infrared light. Infrared rays are the reason we feel the heat from the sun. With fewer rays coming into the vehicle, the interior temperature of your car is much lower, even if you park it in the sun.

You can save money and energy when there are fewer infrared rays getting into your vehicle. You don't have to run your car's AC as often or for as long when your car is already cooled down.

A greener car puts less strain on your engine, gas tank, and, therefore, your wallet!

5. Privacy and Safety

Once your windows are tinted, you'll immediately notice that they are much darker than before. If you know someone with tinted car windows, you've seen how much darker they are than your untinted windows.

The benefit is that the darkness of the windows does not compromise your ability to see while driving.

Nobody can easily see inside your vehicle with tinted windows which can help deter people from breaking into your car because they see a valuable item in it. Even so, it's important to keep valuable items out of your car when you park in public.

Curious parties trying to look into your vehicle can only do so if they are very close to your car windows.

The law prevents window tint from being too dark for safety reasons, so it's impossible to make your interior completely invisible from the outside.

A window tint installer will know the tint regulations in your area to ensure you are following the law.

In addition to the added privacy, ceramic window tint will help you and the passengers in your car avoid injury from shards of glass. Tints won't prevent your windows from breaking, but they will prevent the glass from shattering.

6. Quality and Durability

Ceramic window tints cost more than other films, but, over time, they are cost-effective options. When you have your window tints installed by a professional, your investment will be well worth it in the long term.

Some professional window tint installers will back up their installation with a guarantee. They do this because they believe in the quality of the tinting technology and the durability built into the film.

Tinting windows and a car's windshield with quality ceramic tints gives your car a scratch-resistant flare. Tinted glass is manufactured with strength in mind.

Because ceramic window tint is made from tiny nanoparticles, they are bounded together tightly, making them highly durable. This means that your film can stand up against possible criminals, stray items, and even rocks on the road.

7. Aesthetics

Some vehicle owners opt for ceramic window tints simply because they are aesthetically pleasing. If you want your car to look its best and keep the value of the vehicle high, window tinting is right for you.

Darker windows can make your car look nicer, especially if the exterior of your car is a darker color. The look of window tints is enough to make vehicle owners interested in the installation.

Do You Need a Ceramic Window Tint?

There are many reasons to get a vehicle ceramic window tint.

If you want to block harmful UV rays, have less glare while driving, and avoid signal interference, choose ceramic tints. This type of tint also leads to a cooler interior, privacy, safety, durability, and aesthetics.

To reap all of the benefits in this guide, reach out to Velocity Window Tinting and get a free estimate for our mobile tinting services.

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